By Gary Fisher
Lawyers this afternoon are scheduled to argue the pros and cons of
Madison’s new minimum wage law before Dane County Circuit
Judge Maryann Sumi.
Last year, the Main Street Coalition for Economic
Growth Inc. filed a lawsuit against Madison challenging the city’s legal authority in
trying to mandate a minimum wage requirement that is
higher than the statewide wage.
In January, Sumi declined to issue a temporary
injunction barring enforcement of the city’s new minimum
wage while the law was disputed in court.
Sumi set a schedule for each side to file briefs and
set arguments in the case for Wednesday at 2 p.m.
Sumi’s January decision means Madison employees
receive $5.70 per hour, 55 cents per hour above
the current state minimum wage of $5.15 per hour. The
increase took effect Jan. 1. Under the ordinance, the
minimum wage would increase to $7.75 per hour by Jan.
1, 2008.