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Walker: Doyle Either Doesn’t Know or Doesn’t Care About New “Temporary Employment” Tax
[Wauwatosa, Wisc…] Governor Doyle has found another creative way to raise taxes. He’s unleashed his bureaucrats to reinterpret existing law to impose the sales tax on providers and employers of temporary workers.
“Jim Doyle is on a pre-election spending spree and he’s looking for every conceivable way to take more money out of the pockets of Wisconsin’s families and business,” said Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker. “The more we find out about the Madison Math of Jim Doyle, the worse it looks.”
Last month, the Doyle’s Department of Revenue released a tax bulletin that unilaterally imposed the state sales tax on several services performed by temporary employees.
“If you supply or use temporary employees, you now have to pay new taxes thanks to Jim Doyle,” said Walker, the only announced challenger to the current Governor. “Jim Doyle and his bureaucrats have imposed this new tax without any legislative authorization or any public discussion. It’s outrageous.”
By imposing this tax, arbitrarily and without passage of a new law, the Doyle Administration is leaving the state’s business community in a lurch. They need to determine whether to follow actual state law and their past practice, or do they adhere to the DOR’s strange new interpretation which will cost them millions.
The provision or utilization of temporary employees is not listed within Wisconsin statutes as a service that is subject to the state sales tax; and taxes had not been collected on temporary services, until the Doyle Administration’s recent change.
“At worst, Jim Doyle is directly responsible for this massive tax hike,” said Walker. “At best he has no clue what the bureaucrats under his control are up to…which is it Governor?”
The employment sales tax is the latest in a series of troubling revelations regarding the budget proposed by Doyle. Last week, the non partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau reported that on top of this new sales tax on temporary services, the bloated budget proposed by Doyle raised taxes and fees by more than $300 million.