University Relations and Communications, 715-346-3046, Fax 715-346-2042,
October 20, 2005
The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point LEAF program is leading the way in statewide K-12 forestry education. LEAF (Learning, Experience and Activities in Forestry) is an educational effort created by legislation four years ago in order to promote forestry education in Wisconsin schools.
The program is housed in the Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education located within UWSP’s College of Natural Resources. In recognition of this statewide effort the LEAF program was just awarded the 2005 Connor Award by the Forest History Association of Wisconsin for distinguished service to the state. LEAF is a partnership between the Center and Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resource’s division of forestry.
“We are delighted to receive statewide recognition and it is a measure of the staff and quality programming we bring to Wisconsin’s students,” said Sterling Strathe, LEAF program director. “Our focus is bringing to life the rich tradition and history of Wisconsin’s forest and forestry industry and how today’s forests are better managed and sustained for all citizens.”
According to Strathe, LEAF programs are developed and disseminated to Wisconsin’s K-12 schools, including activities for use in the classroom and in the woods. Wisconsin history is mandated to be taught in the fourth grade and LEAF’s fourth grade unit is a key component to that state mandate.
LEAF has an advisory committee made up of 24 individuals representing an array of forestry stakeholders in Wisconsin. LEAF is an integral part of the overall outreach and educational programs of the College of Natural Resources. For more information please visit their Web site at