MILWAUKEE – “XML and Databases” is the topic of a workshop at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee School of Business Administration Center for Technology Innovation on Friday, Dec. 2, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. in Room N146, School of Business Administration, 3202 N. Maryland Ave.
Ronald Bourret, a writer, consultant, and researcher from San Jose, California, will lead the workshop. Bourret has worked in the software industry for 25 years, specializing in how XML and databases work together. His XML work includes software for transferring data between XML documents and relational databases, several widely read papers on XML and databases, and the XML Namespaces FAQ.
This workshop will examine reasons to use XML with a database, and the difference between XML-enabled storage and native XML storage.
The cost for the workshop is $125. For registration information, call the UWM School of Business Administration at 414-229-4357 or visit