MILWAUKEE –Nationally recognized healthcare and technology futurist Joe
Flower speaks on “The End of Healthcare as We Know It” for the first
presentation of a new speaker series, “Critical Knowledge in
Healthcare,” hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee College of
Health Sciences.
The first lecture will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 5, at the Italian
Community Center, 631 E. Chicago St. Registration and breakfast begin at
7:30 a.m. and the program runs from 8-9 a.m.
Flower will discuss the period of rapid, discontinuous change healthcare
is facing. Flower attributes healthcare’s turbulent future to at least
three factors: global changes outside healthcare, new technologies and
drugs, and the move to consumer-directed health plans.
For nearly two decades, Flower has been writing, speaking and consulting
about creating change. He has co-authored several books and written
three major healthcare compendia and several hundred articles. He has
worked with the World Health Organization, the United States Department
of Defense, the UK National Health Service and the Global Business Network.
On Wednesday, Feb. 22, part two of the “Critical Knowledge” series
features corporate strategist, author and lecturer Jeff Goldsmith. He
will speak on “The Future of Information Technology in Healthcare” at
the breakfast session, also held at the Italian Community Center.
“The purpose of the series is to expose local healthcare leaders,
workers and students to new ideas, innovations and approaches in the
industry, while raising money to fund scholarship programs,” said
Randall Lambrecht, dean of the College of Health Sciences.
Corporate tables for eight guests are $300. Tickets for individuals cost
$25 and tickets for students cost $10. Tickets are available by calling
(414) 229-6697. The reservation deadline for the October lecture is
Monday, Sept. 26.
The UWM College of Health Sciences contains the largest collection of
health-related degree programs in the region, and maintains affiliations
with health care institutions and medical centers throughout Milwaukee,
Wisconsin and the United States.
The college includes the following departments, all of which are
nationally ranked: Communication Sciences & Disorders, Health Sciences,
Human Movement Sciences, and Occupational Therapy.
(CONTACT: Jenny Weiss, Breitenbach Weiss, Inc., (414) 270-3560 office,
(414) 750-3097 (mobile).