Getting the Right Aid to the Right People Where and When It’s Needed
Dallas, Texas – Sep 12, 2005 What went right about Katrina? The Aidmatrix Foundation! This young international charity based in Dallas and operating in Europe, Asia, and the Americas is a great illustration of what went right. And it has had a lot to do with the success of many more familiar charities who have been on the ground in Katrina’s wake. Working behind the scenes, Aidmatrix leverages technology similar to that used by Fortune 500 companies around the globe to mobilize the right aid for the right people at the right time – and doing so efficiently and effectively. Aidmatrix processes more than a billion dollars of aid annually.
Right now, first responders like Adventist Community Services, America’s Second Harvest – the Nation’s Food Bank Network, local Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), and even the World Food Programme are powered by Aidmatrix’s innovative solutions.
The United States Chamber of Commerce and American Red Cross are launching Aidmatrix platforms to effectively handle product donations (in-kind gifts) — and Aidmatrix responded to their urgent needs and many other organizations just since Katrina.
Aidmatrix solutions help mobilize new and additional cash and product donations through effective tools and partnerships with some of America’s leading corporations including Accenture, i2Technologies, FedEx/Kinkos, Kraft, and others. It links these partners with leading nonprofit organizations working on the ground to provide relief and aid. Aidmatrix systems inform the donor exactly the impact of their donation through a totally transparent reporting system that ensures the right aid gets to the right people at the right time. That’s what Aidmatrix is all about. Linking aid with need worldwide. And doing so effectively, efficiently, and transparently. “People just want to know how they can help. Aidmatrix provides an easy solution that enables individuals, families, corporations, or groups to rally around the cause quickly and efficiently”, said Governor Scott McCallum, President & CEO of Aidmatrix.
Aidmatrix programs include product donations systems that allow corporate partners and businesses to donate needed goods and surplus product to their favorite charity, or to charities needing those specific goods. One key difference between other product donation opportunities is there is no warehousing, the charity can select only what it needs, when it needs it, where it will use the product. It’s a win-win for business because they are not adding to our landfill, and enjoy an enhanced income tax charitable deduction for making use of what were unwanted goods. Aidmatrix strives to complement these gifts through an employee engagement tool they call the Virtual Aid Drive which enables employees at remote locations to join in and give cash — often leveraging the corporate donation many times over. The Aidmatrix solutions track all donations from start to finish and provide up to the minute reports to ensure accountability. “Instead of donating more, donate better,” remarked Amy McKenna Luz, EVP & COO- Global for Aidmatrix.
Winner of the prestigious 2005 Computerworld Honors Award for Excellence, Aidmatrix has been called, “a model for the future rather than the icon of the past.” Following the December 2004 South Asian tsunami, Business Week said, “The program may be virtual, but the results are real.”
Visit to help now or learn more. Governor McCallum can be reached at 469-357-3743.
About The Aidmatrix Foundation, Inc.
Aidmatrix Foundation is an international 501© (3) nonprofit organization sponsored by some of the world’s leading technology corporations that leverage world-class solutions from the business world and apply them to the NGO world. Aidmatrix goal is to get the right aid to the right people at the right time. Aidmatrix has unparalleled expertise in donations management technology — these systems have been/are being used by major corporations including FedEx/Kinko’s, Kraft, Whirlpool, Tyson, Nestle, Quaker, ConAgra, Sun Sweet, Olive Garden, Coca-Cola, etc. Aidmatrix functions as a bridge, a linking pin between the for-profit and nonprofit worlds – with systems that open lines of communication between donors, nonprofits, their partners, volunteers, and people in need. Through partners and technology, Aidmatrix will exceed goals of touching 50 million lives by the close of 2005; currently having impacted over 47 million lives and processing USD $1 Billion in aid annually with over 2000 users worldwide. Aidmatrix offers multi-lingual solutions, serving the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe through strong relationships and networks with leading nonprofits and world-class corporations.
The Aidmatrix Foundation, Inc.
Amy Luz
Executive VP and COO – Global Operations
phone: 469-357-3743