Madison, WI – Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin and Senator Herbert Kohl have successfully led the effort to secure $1.2 million in the Agriculture Appropriations Bill to support an initiative by the Sand County Foundation of Madison, Wisconsin to improve water quality in the Midwest and elsewhere.
“This funding will provide essential support to deploy and test precision conservation incentives. We expect that with this approach farmers can enhance both the economic viability of their farms and improve our water quality,” said Brent Haglund, Ph.D., President of the Sand County Foundation. “Specifically, these funds will be used to tackle one of our most vexing environmental problems – non point source pollution – and assess a delivery method that is both good for farmers and the environment,” Haglund noted.
The Sand County Foundation nutrient management project seeks to identify which practices on the farm provide for the greatest agricultural return while reducing runoff of excess nutrients into the nation’s waters. This project is designed to improve the “environmental return on investment” of existing conservation programs. Further, it lays the groundwork for a new generation of environmental enhancement that can be put into place at lower cost and with less social conflict. The project originated in Madison, Wisconsin, and is being tested in southern Wisconsin. Other states are now asking to participate in this innovative approach to conservation. These include Illinois and Iowa.
“This project could not have gone forward without the leadership of Congresswoman Baldwin and Senator Kohl” Haglund noted. “They are continuing the Wisconsin tradition of providing environmental leadership for the entire nation,” he said.
“I’m very pleased that Senator Kohl and I were successful in securing these funds,” said Congresswoman Baldwin. “The work of the Sand County Foundation has enormous potential to improve water quality, protect the environment, assist farmers, and preserve our natural resources for generations to come,” she said.
There will be tremendous benefits to environmental quality and human health from this work.
Specifically, it will help reduce nitrates in groundwater (something that is causing a drinking
water problem in the Midwest). Improving farm nutrient utilization will also lessen problems like hypoxia hundreds of miles downstream in the Gulf of Mexico.
This project is being delivered by a team of cooperators coordinated by Sand County Foundation including University of Wisconsin–Madison and Extension, Discovery Farms, the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation, and scientists from around the country.
For Further Information Please Contact:
Brent Haglund – Sand County Foundation
608.213.4481 cell
608.663.4605 x 24 dl
608.663.4617 fax
The Sand County Foundation, based in Madison WI advises the managers of hundreds of thousands of acres of land in several countries. The Foundation works with private landholders and communities to improve the quality and value of their lands through science, ethics, and incentives.
Allen D. Veak
Makin’ HEY! Communications
Direct: 608.848.5831
University Research Park
455 Science Drive #240
Madison, WI 53711
Ph: 608.231.6912
Fx: 608.231.6877