Contact: Tiffani Clements, (202) 401-0035
Maryanne Beatty, (202) 501-1231
WASHINGTON – Small business owners will have increased opportunities to participate in federal prime and sub-contracting rebuilding efforts in the areas affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
The U.S. Small Business Administration has partnered with the U.S. General Services Administration and other federal agencies to provide a toll-free number, 1-800-FED-INFO (800-333-4636), to help small businesses learn about hurricane relief efforts, contracting and rebuilding opportunities.
A customer service representative from GSA will field the calls and direct callers to the appropriate SBA district office representative. The SBA has designated personnel from each district office to respond to these inquiries and make referrals to the SBA’s procurement center representatives and others as necessary.
“As part of the unprecedented rebuilding effort following the devastation by these hurricanes, we want to make sure small businesses have the opportunity to seek federal contracting dollars,” said SBA Administrator Hector V. Barreto. “We are pleased to partner with GSA and other federal agencies to make interested small businesses aware of all possible contracting opportunities.”
“The National Contact Center, operated by GSA under the USA Services program, has responded to over 190,003 calls and e-mails via 1-800-FED-INFO (333-4636) and from citizens seeking information about hurricane recovery activities since Katrina first impacted the Gulf Coast,” said Associate Administrator of GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Communications, M.J. Pizzella. “I am proud that GSA’s contact center will serve as a resource for small businesses to learn about contracting opportunities and I look forward to working with SBA and the federal interagency community to do whatever is necessary to rebuild the Gulf Coast.”
Small businesses interested in learning more about contracting opportunities in the affected areas can find more information on the SBA’s Web site at There they will find a banner titled “Information on Hurricane Contracting Opportunities.” By clicking on it, small businesses will:
· Learn about different types of contracts available to them
· Learn the procedure for registering to do business with the federal government
· Obtain a list of procurement center representatives for contracting opportunities
· Obtain specific federal and state contact information, and
· Obtain SBA district office contact information.
“In addition to informing small businesses on contracting opportunities, the SBA is also committed to provide assistance to the victims of hurricanes Katrina and Rita through our disaster assistance programs,” Barreto added. “Our goal is to help the region, its citizens and small businesses get back on their feet as soon as possible.”
USA Services, one of President Bush’s E-Gov initiatives, allows citizens to get information about government programs in English and in Spanish via the Internet, publications, telephone and e-mail. This involves using,, the National Contact Center’s 1-800-FED-INFO (333-4636), and the National Publications Center in Pueblo, Colorado.