RENEW Wisconsin: Ethanol Gains Clean Energy Backer

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Michael Vickerman

Executive Director


Madison – RENEW Wisconsin announced today its support for an increase in the amount of ethanol in gasoline, as proposed in a bill pending in the state Assembly.

Michael Vickerman, executive director of RENEW Wisconsin, a statewide non-profit that promotes clean, renewable energy, said, “We see increased ethanol production as a step towards creating an integrated farm-based energy economy, one in which farms power themselves and their neighbors with fuel and electricity derived from a combination of solar, wind, crops, and animal wastes.”

Assembly Bill 15, introduced by Rep. Stephen Freese (R-Dodgeville), would require that “automotive gasoline contain not less than 9.2 percent nor more than 10 percent ethanol.”

“RENEW strongly supports the development and use of bioenergy sources for lessening the state’s dependence on imported petroleum, natural gas, and coal,” Vickerman added.

A board coalition of agriculture and business groups also support the bill, which cleared the Assembly Committee on Agriculture with a 12 to 2 vote and now awaits action by the full Assembly.

RENEW WisconsinEND
RENEW Wisconsin is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that acts as a catalyst to advance a sustainable energy future through public policy and private sector initiatives. RENEW is a member of the Wisconsin Renewable Energy Network, a subcontractor to Focus on Energy. Visit RENEW at or e-mail Michael Vickerman at: