Governor Doyle: Welcomes Staples Distribution Center, 200 New Jobs to Beloit

Ethnie Groves, Office of the Governor, 608-261-2156
Dick Jones, Department of Workforce Development, 608-266-6753
Tony Hozeny, Department of Commerce, 608-267-9661

Also Announces $150,000 Job Training Grant to Aid Beloit Area Workforce

BELOIT – Governor Jim Doyle today announced that Staples, Inc. will locate a new business to business distribution center in Beloit, creating 200 new jobs next year.

“I am pleased to welcome the Staples distribution center to Wisconsin,” Governor Doyle said. “We have worked hard to establish a favorable business climate in our state, and I am confident that Staples will find Beloit the best location for its continued expansion.”

The 400,000 square foot distribution center will be located in the Gateway Business Park and will support the company’s business operations in the upper Midwest. This project will also serve as a catalyst for the continued development of the Gateway Business Park.

“Staples thanks the City of Beloit and the State of Wisconsin for their terrific work in helping to make Beloit the location of Staples’ latest state-of-the-art fulfillment center,” said Joe Doody, President of Staples North American Delivery. “Beloit presents a cost-effective and strategic location from which we can provide our loyal and growing customers world-class delivery service as part of an easy buying experience with Staples.”

To assist the company with the start-up costs of this project, the Department of Commerce provided Staples with a $500,000 loan. In addition, the City of Beloit allocated $3.2 million in Development Opportunity Zone income tax credits, and $2.5 million in direct incentives, including a property discount.

“This is one of the largest industrial projects developed in south-central Wisconsin in several years, and will provide the employment opportunities so important to the Beloit region,” said Martin Densch, Beloit City Council President. “I’d like to thank Governor Doyle and Department of Commerce Secretary Mary Burke for their assistance with this project.”

Staples is the world’s largest office products company, operating 1,442 retail stores throughout the United States and Canada that focus on the needs of small businesses and home offices.

Governor Doyle also announced a $150,000 Department of Workforce Development grant today to the Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board to revitalize job training and placement services for young adults in Beloit, as part of a “Grow Wisconsin” effort to aid the community’s workforce and economy.

“If Wisconsin is to succeed and compete in the new global economy, we must do everything we can to train the next generation of workers,” Governor Doyle said. “This $150,000 grant will help develop a collaborative effort that will help these young adults get the training they need, gain employment, and live a better life.”

The Southwest Workforce Development Board will partner with the Opportunities Industrial Center of Rock County who will provide direct services. The grant will focus on job training and placement, particularly for young unemployed men. OIC will work closely other partners – Blackhawk Technical College, Community Action and the Rock County Job Center. The intent of all involved is not to duplicate services, but work together, coordinate efforts, and provide better services.

Robert Borremans, Executive Director of the Southwest Workforce Development Board, thanked Governor Doyle and Workforce Development Secretary Roberta Gassman. He also thanked Senate Minority Leader Judy Robson of Beloit for her help in the matter.

“They have the vision of wanting to serve this population,” Robert Borremans said. “Their joint efforts really are going to contribute to the community, and we sincerely appreciate their focusing on Beloit as an area of need.”