Tony Hozeny, Department of Commerce, 608/267-9661
MADISON – Wisconsin biotechnology businesses interested in developing
business and research collaboration with Japan’s life sciences community
should attend the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Executive
Briefing: Bio Mission to Japan on June 3.
“This program provides a tremendous opportunity for Wisconsin biotech
companies to learn how to make export connections with Japan’s life science
community,” said Department of Commerce (Commerce) Secretary Mary P. Burke.
The program will focus on showing participants how Wisconsin biotech is
developing business and research collaboration with Japan’s life sciences
community. The program will also highlight business challenges and
opportunities to expect in Japan and how to obtain greater visibility and
stronger business contacts with Japanese biotech by leveraging JETRO
Chicago’s programs.
The program will be held Friday, June 3 at the MG&E Innovation Center in
University Research Park, 510 Charmany Drive, Madison, from 1:30-5:00 pm. A
networking reception will follow the education sessions.
Seats for this program are limited. Advance registration is required but
the program is free of charge. To register online, visit For more information, contact Takahiro
Hagisako, Commerce, at 608/266-9487 or or
contact Ralph Iforzato, at 312/832-6013.