Sarina Gleason
Manager – Public Relations
517-381-6520 or 877-263-3806
Madison, WI – In response to the D.C. Circuit Court’s decision announced March 2, Jim Butman, president of TDS Metrocom, issued the following statement:
“TDS Metrocom believes the U.S. Circuit Court decision is a step in the wrong direction. While the impact of the decision to TDS Metrocom and our customers will be limited because we are facilities-based and provide service with our own switches in all TDS markets, we are concerned because we believe the decision is not in the best interests of competition and therefore, consumers.”
“More important for the long-term sustainability of competition is that the Court upheld the rules that limit access to broadband-capable facilities. If this part of the decision stands, it will reduce customer choice in the broadband market and give the Regional Bell companies a monopoly over that market, or at best result in a duopoly with the cable TV giants. In the past, monopolies such as the Bell companies have stifled, rather than promoted, competition. The Bell monopolies withheld high-speed, broadband Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) service from consumers for decades, and only began to roll out DSL when faced with competitive DSL offerings from carriers such as TDS Metrocom – competitive offerings made possible by the very unbundling rules that are now under attack. In the long term, returning the Bells to their monopoly position will stifle innovation and raise prices for both high-speed Internet access and local telephone service.”
“Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) such as TDS Metrocom will be asking the Supreme Court to review this decision. We are optimistic that it will support competition by overturning the D.C. Circuit Court decision. “
TDS Metrocom, part of the TDS family of telecommunications companies, is a competitive local telecommunications provider established in 1997 that serves key markets in Wisconsin, Illinois Michigan, Minnesota and North Dakota. TDS, a Fortune 500 company, is a Chicago-based telecommunications corporation founded in 1969 with established local wireline and wireless businesses and rapidly growing competitive local phone service operations. Through its strategic business units and business unit divisions, TDS Metrocom, TDS Telecom and U. S. Cellular, TDS provides service to customers in rural and suburban markets around the country. The company employs approximately 10,900 people and serves more than five million local telephone and wireless customers in 36 states. TDS Metrocom can be accessed through the Internet at