Dept. of Commerce: Gov. Doyle Announces Community Development Grant For Blue River

Tony Hozeny, 608/267-9661

MADISON- Gov. Jim Doyle today announced that the Village of Blue
River, Grant County, will receive a public facilities grant totaling
$161,140 to expand its community center to aid in community development.

“My Grow Wisconsin initiative calls for investing in our
infrastructure to improve the quality of life for all residents,” Gov. Doyle
said. “I am pleased that by awarding the Village of Blue River this grant we
are able to meet the needs of this Wisconsin community.”

“The grant will help the Village of Blue River improve its community center
to provide for a wide range of services for its residents,” Department of
Commerce (Commerce) Secretary Cory L. Nettles said. “This project includes
constructing a new village office, increasing seating, and providing an
entrance to the center that is accessible for the elderly and people with
disabilities. The total costs for this project are $367,400.”

Commerce has administered the federally funded CDBG-PF Program since 1982.
These grants play an important role in helping communities finance a wide
range of projects designed to enhance the economic vitality of the community
through the expansion of the tax base, job creation, and increased private
investment in downtowns. Grants are awarded to projects that will primarily
benefit low- and moderate-income residents. For further information on the
CDBG-PF Program contact James Frymark, Commerce, at 608/266-2742.