Career Momentum Inc.: to Open Janesville Office

For more information contact Marc Laudonio, of Career Momentum’s Madison office at (608 )274-2430.


For Immediate Release

MADISON, Wis. (April 26, 2004)—Career Momentum Inc., an outplacement and career development firm, will open a Janesville office at 2525 Milton Ave.

“This will be the first office for outplacement and career counseling in Janesville,” said Greg Roy, vice president of business development for Career Momentum Inc.

Career Momentum Inc. will provide services currently unavailable to employers and job seekers in Rock and Walworth counties through its assessments, resume development, interview training, job search assistance, and executive and management coaching. Consultants have master’s degrees in education, business or counseling fields.

Randy Dahlinger, executive vice president for Mid America Bank in Janesville, was unaware of services such as Career Momentum Inc. when he began a job search after 26 years in the work force.

“By doing various profiles and exercises to uncover information, I saw choices I never thought of,” said Dahlinger. “They gave me options through the profiling process, helping me to understand I was not alone in my job search.”

Career Momentum Inc., headquartered in Madison, serves all industries including manufacturing and distribution, banking, retail, education and technology. Their clients include recent graduates, service, middle and executive management, and professionals.