UW scientists flock to Madison for research expo

Nearly 130 UW researchers flocked to Madison yesterday to show off the results of their hard work as part of the UW System’s 15th Annual Research in the Rotunda.

“The research projects on display … embody the personal and intellectual growth these students have experienced on campus,” said UW System President Ray Cross. “They are a tangible representation of our ongoing commitment to expanding knowledge beyond our campuses and represent the kind of ideas that are instrumental to the future success of our state and its economy.”

Projects covered a range of topics, from a study of sexual harassment in the restaurant industry to engineering enzymes involved in antibiotic synthesis.

The UW System’s undergraduate research includes over 9,100 academic and development projects each year, and student ideas lead to one new patent being approved every 48 hours.

See a list of student research projects: http://www.wisconsin.edu/research-in-the-rotunda/download/RITR-program-2018-web.pdf